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Tag Archives: Noe Valley
Noe Valley Still Goin’ Down?
Back in May 2009, I showed that Noe Valley was not immune from the slump in prices affecting the rest of the city, despite suggestions to the contrary from real estate agents, mavens and media. Have things gotten any better? … Continue reading
Posted in Market news, Noe Valley
Tagged Charts, Data, District 5, Market news, Noe Valley, single family homes
Forget Statistics: 714 Duncan Loses 23% in 18 months
Catching up on the endless paper-work the other night, I came across that rare thing: a property that sells twice in a relatively short time with no major renovations performed in the interim. This “sales matching” technique is what the … Continue reading
Noe Valley By the Foot
As I mentioned in my previous post, I’ve had several questions about per square foot prices recently. There’s no doubt that it’s a very useful metric, for the obvious reason that it allows you to get closer to an “apples … Continue reading
Focus on Noe Valley
It’s been a few months since I took a look at my own stompin’ ground, Noe Valley, and how prices have been doing compared to the city as a whole. We dispensed with the notion that Noe Valley was somehow … Continue reading
Beautiful Wreck: 587 Jersey, Noe Valley
Walking my dog, yesterday afternoon and I was brought up short by this beautiful wreck around the corner from where we live. Light and shadow from the rafters seemed to make the windows glow like cardboard cut-outs. Here’s the scoop: … Continue reading
Update on What $2.1 Million Buys in Noe Valley — (now it’s under $2 million)
Back in February I posted about two $2.1 million homes offered for sale in my ‘hood. 731 Douglass had 3,000 square feet of good, livable space and the sorts of finishes and flourishes you’d expect. But it had no back … Continue reading
The Worst May Be Over According to Big Brain, Ken Rosen
Ken Rosen, Chair of the Fisher School For Urban Economics over at UC Berkeley, has good news for San Francisco home owners. “The recent rise in home prices and sales activity lead us to believe that the worst part of … Continue reading
Posted in Economy, Market news
Tagged Bayview, Condominiums, District 10, District3, Hunter's Point, Marina, Noe Valley, Rosen, San Francisco
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Focus on Cole Valley
Noe Valley has its 24th Street shops and cutesy cafés. Cole Valley has, well, its Cole Street shops and cutesy cafés. The two neighborhoods have been engaged in a friendly battle for the hearts of San Francisco homeowners for as … Continue reading
Noe Valley Postscript: Median Price Chart
I’ve been having an interesting discussion with a regular reader of theFrontsteps, where I first posted my chart on Noe Valley Percentage Change from All-Time High. He disputes the fact that Noe Valley has fallen by 30% from its all-time … Continue reading
Noe Valley Goes Down
Noe Valley’s been my home since 1991 so I’ll admit that I track it with more attention than other neighborhoods. For quite a few years now it’s also had a reputation for maintaining home values even as the rest of … Continue reading