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Tag Archives: Charts
DOM Roll Please
A couple of posts ago, we dispensed with Absorption Rate as a good barometer of the market since there appeared to be no correlation between how much inventory was available in relation to sales rates and where median prices were … Continue reading
Absorption R.I.P.
After talking to people about my last post on Absorption Rates and the lack of a correlation between slower absorption and lower median prices (or faster absorption and higher prices), I got the impression that there was some curiosity — … Continue reading
Revised Absorption Chart, but the results are the same, only worse
Thanks, Jean-Claude for making me take a second look at my methodology on my Absorption Chart. I had anticipated your point about the lag between listing dates and sales but had unfortunately gotten the formula backwards in my chart — … Continue reading
Posted in Data, Economy, Market news
Tagged Charts, Data, Market news, San Francisco, SF real estate
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Supply/Demand: Does it predict price? Maybe not.
Now hold on there, matie! Basic economic theory says more supply than demand, prices will fall, right? Well take a look at this graph. It shows the absorption rate of single family home listings from January 2006 through December 2008 … Continue reading
Posted in Data, Economy
Tagged Charts, Data, Market, Market news, Mortgages, SF real estate
The View from Space — Part 3: Above California
The forecast for the California Housing Market Continue reading
What on earth does this chart mean? (Click to make it bigger)
I was wondering how prices in various MLS Districts in San Francisco were doing relative to each other and to San Francisco as a whole so I graphed the monthly median prices of single family homes in all but the … Continue reading