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- With Facebook Not Looking So Good, Is the Bloom Off the Rose in San Francisco’s Residential Home Market
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- San Francisco Housing and Rental Markets: Choose a Rock or a Hard Place
- Listed to Luxe in Under 30 Days
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Category Archives: single family homes
San Francisco Housing and Rental Markets: Choose a Rock or a Hard Place
The San Francisco Association of Realtors, of which I am a member, just came out with its Market_Focus_Report for May_2012 (click to open). If you’re a seller or landlord, the news is great: home prices and rents are up, up, up. … Continue reading
Home-Spotting: Second Time Around, 285 Douglass sells for $250,000 over asking
Explain this one to me please. Elegant if dowdy Victorian lists for $2.349 million in September 2010 and sits there for three months with no takers. Relists in April at $2.3 million and in contract seven days later at $250,000 … Continue reading
Noe Valley Back Smartly in 2010
After nearly two years of sharp declines, Noe Valley single family home prices recovered smartly in 2010. Not enough, however, for anyone to claim that Noe Valley is somehow immune from market forces affecting the rest of San … Continue reading
Posted in Data, Market news, Noe Valley, single family homes
Tagged 2010, Charts, first republic bank, luxury homes, Noe Valley
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What’s A Better Value in San Francisco, A Condo or a Home? (Part 2)
In my last post, I included a chart that showed both single family homes and condos stuck in relatively narrow price ranges over the last 18 months or so. At the end of 2010 the median price of a single … Continue reading
Posted in Data, Market news, single family homes, Tenancy In Common
Tagged 2010, condominium, home premium, single family homes, value
What’s a Better Value in San Francisco, A Condo or a Home? (Part 1)
Real estate lore holds that if the market for single-family homes is doing badly, the condominium market will be doing worse. But what about San Francisco, which is the textbook case of a supply-constrained market with high barriers to entry? … Continue reading
Posted in Condominiums, Data, single family homes, Tenancy In Common
Tagged 2010, condominium, home premium, single family homes, TICs
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The 2010 Residential Wrap-Up: What’s goin’ on? Not much.
Avid readers of this blog will recall that I hastily pulled my last attempt to post on this subject because of some errors in the data. Horrors. The errors caused 2010 to look like a much stronger year in terms … Continue reading
Posted in Data, interest rates, Loans, Market news, Noe Valley, single family homes
Tagged construction, interest rates, Market, median price, Noe Valley, single family
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Of Mixes and Medians: Interpreting Noe’s Valley
My last post was about the fact that Noe Valley median home prices are still down 30% from their all time highs despite a smart recovery in median home prices city-wide. This, despite my sense that there seem to have … Continue reading
Posted in Market news, Noe Valley, single family homes
Tagged 729 elizabeth street, mix, Noe Valley, single family homes
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How Deep is Noe’s Valley?
Judging by the number of houses I’ve seen being redone from the studs up, together with the number of homes that seem to be hitting the market at over $2 million these days, you’d think that Noe Valley real estate … Continue reading
Posted in Market news, Noe Valley, single family homes
Tagged 729 elizabeth street, all districts, Noe Valley
Footnote on Potrero Hill: 473 Pennsylvania
I first saw this house, advertised as a fully remodelled 4 BR, 2BA, Potrero Hill View Home,” back in October 2009. With its Spanish Mediterranean, sunny yellow exterior, it had curb appeal, together with terrific if industrial views over the … Continue reading
Posted in potrero hill, single family homes
Tagged 473 Pennsylvania, attics, basements
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Is Buying a House a Good Investment?
Among the scions of the real estate industry presenting at the Fisher Conference (see my previous post) was none other than Frank Nothaft, Chief Economist and Vice President of Freddie Mac. He had a doozy of a slide set. Here’s … Continue reading