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Category Archives: Market news
2010 San Francisco Residential Wrap-Up: Why condo owners may not be celebrating.
Given the amount of bad news coming out of the housing market these days, you’d think that San Francisco condo and TIC owners would be celebrating the fact that values increased 4.5% in 2010. If no one feels like popping … Continue reading
Posted in Condominiums, Data, Market news, Tenancy In Common
Tagged 2010, condo, condominium, DOM, Tenancy In Common, TIC
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The 2010 Residential Wrap-Up: What’s goin’ on? Not much.
Avid readers of this blog will recall that I hastily pulled my last attempt to post on this subject because of some errors in the data. Horrors. The errors caused 2010 to look like a much stronger year in terms … Continue reading
Posted in Data, interest rates, Loans, Market news, Noe Valley, single family homes
Tagged construction, interest rates, Market, median price, Noe Valley, single family
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Of Mixes and Medians: Interpreting Noe’s Valley
My last post was about the fact that Noe Valley median home prices are still down 30% from their all time highs despite a smart recovery in median home prices city-wide. This, despite my sense that there seem to have … Continue reading
Posted in Market news, Noe Valley, single family homes
Tagged 729 elizabeth street, mix, Noe Valley, single family homes
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How Deep is Noe’s Valley?
Judging by the number of houses I’ve seen being redone from the studs up, together with the number of homes that seem to be hitting the market at over $2 million these days, you’d think that Noe Valley real estate … Continue reading
Posted in Market news, Noe Valley, single family homes
Tagged 729 elizabeth street, all districts, Noe Valley
Focus on Potrero Hill
Back from vacation, and ready to blog and roll! I’m currently working with a couple of clients looking for homes in the Potrero Hill District. Here, we’re talking specifically about subdistrict 9.E under San Francisco’s MLS (Multiple Listing Service). It’s … Continue reading
A Chart is Worth 1000 Words
A couple of months ago (gasp!) I promised to post my favorite charts from the UC Berkeley Fisher School of Real Estate and Urban Economics’ symposium on the state of the market. I then got swamped working on my own … Continue reading
Posted in Data, Economy, foreclosure, interest rates, Market news
Tagged affordability, delinquencies, foreclosures, interest rates, Mortgages
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Case-Shiller Sounds a Cautiously Positive Note
Last week, Case-Shiller released January data for its closely watched national housing index. Nationally, things are looking up – well, make that flat. And that’s good news. In the wonderfully backward language of the report, the index’s year over year … Continue reading
Noe Valley Still Goin’ Down?
Back in May 2009, I showed that Noe Valley was not immune from the slump in prices affecting the rest of the city, despite suggestions to the contrary from real estate agents, mavens and media. Have things gotten any better? … Continue reading
Posted in Market news, Noe Valley
Tagged Charts, Data, District 5, Market news, Noe Valley, single family homes
Looking Back at 2009: Condos/TICs
Pretty much everything I said about how single family homes fared in 2009 also applies to the condo/TIC market. (TIC’s, aka Tenancy In Commons are similar to condos. For more information on TICs, see my three-part series starting here.) Condo/TICs … Continue reading
Posted in Condominiums, Data, Market news, Tenancy In Common
Tagged 2009, Condominiums, interest rates, TICs, trends
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Looking Back at 2009: Half-Empty or Half-Full?
Less than two months into the new year and a brand new decade and already 2009 may seem as far away as a bad dream – assuming you still have a job. It’s hard to remember just how close to … Continue reading
Posted in Data, Market news, single family homes
Tagged 2009, Bernanke, Charts, DOM, San Francisco, single family homes