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Category Archives: Condominiums
What’s a Better Value in San Francisco, A Condo or a Home? (Part 1)
Real estate lore holds that if the market for single-family homes is doing badly, the condominium market will be doing worse. But what about San Francisco, which is the textbook case of a supply-constrained market with high barriers to entry? … Continue reading
Posted in Condominiums, Data, single family homes, Tenancy In Common
Tagged 2010, condominium, home premium, single family homes, TICs
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2010 San Francisco Residential Wrap-Up: Why condo owners may not be celebrating.
Given the amount of bad news coming out of the housing market these days, you’d think that San Francisco condo and TIC owners would be celebrating the fact that values increased 4.5% in 2010. If no one feels like popping … Continue reading
Posted in Condominiums, Data, Market news, Tenancy In Common
Tagged 2010, condo, condominium, DOM, Tenancy In Common, TIC
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Noe Valley: The Condo/TIC market
At long last, here’s the promised data on Noe Valley condos and TIC’s. First, a look back (in anger?) at the make-up of Noe Valley sales in 2009. Note that there were more than twice as many condos sold as … Continue reading
Posted in Condominiums, Data, Noe Valley, single family homes, Tenancy In Common
Tagged 2009, Charts, Condominiums, condos, Tenancy In Common, TICs
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Looking Back at 2009: Condos/TICs
Pretty much everything I said about how single family homes fared in 2009 also applies to the condo/TIC market. (TIC’s, aka Tenancy In Commons are similar to condos. For more information on TICs, see my three-part series starting here.) Condo/TICs … Continue reading
Posted in Condominiums, Data, Market news, Tenancy In Common
Tagged 2009, Condominiums, interest rates, TICs, trends
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TICs, San Francisco’s Involuntary Reflex — Part 3: The Condo Premium Per Square Foot? Or not…
Last post, we determined that the current difference between the average (annual) price of a condo and that of a TIC is $86,000, down from a high of $124,364 in 2006. (That’s a 30%+ drop, by the way.) Here’s the … Continue reading
Posted in Condominiums, Data, Tenancy In Common
Tagged Charts, Condominiums, Data, statistics, TICs
TICs, San Francisco’s Involuntary Reflex: Part 2 — The Data
There are weeks when I look through the new listings on the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) and it seems like there are more TICs for sale than condominiums. Turns out, this just isn’t true. Here’s a chart showing relative sales … Continue reading
Posted in Condominiums, Data, Tenancy In Common
Tagged Charts, Condominiums, Data, medians, Tenancy In Common, TICs
TICs, San Francisco’s Involuntary Reflex: Part 1
Inconvenient and Ugly A tic is an involuntary and habitual muscle spasm, frequently in the face. If you live in San Francisco, a TIC is also what many people end up with when they buy a flat in one of … Continue reading
Homes vs. Condominiums: How much extra do you pay?
Recently, I blogged about the fact that condominiums seemed to be holding up better than single family homes in terms of their decline from their all-time highs. At the same time, I noted that there was only about $100,000 difference … Continue reading
Surprise! Condos are Holding Up Better Than Homes
For the quarter century (gulp!) that I’ve been involved in real estate, the conventional wisdom has always been that condo values generally do worse in down markets than homes. Why? To be honest, I’m not sure, but I think it’s … Continue reading
Posted in Condominiums, Data, Market news
Tagged Charts, Condominiums, Data, DOM, Economy, Market, San Francisco, single family homes