Recent Posts
- With Facebook Not Looking So Good, Is the Bloom Off the Rose in San Francisco’s Residential Home Market
- Social Media Boom Fuels San Francisco’s Rental and Home Sales Market
- San Francisco Housing and Rental Markets: Choose a Rock or a Hard Place
- Listed to Luxe in Under 30 Days
- Giving Credit Where It’s Due
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Author Archives: Misha
With Facebook Not Looking So Good, Is the Bloom Off the Rose in San Francisco’s Residential Home Market
My wife likes to remind me that I always seem to think that the stock market is heading down. Though I don’t generally think of myself as a half empty kind of guy, there may be some truth to the … Continue reading
Posted in Home Spotting, Market news, Noe Valley
Tagged 1501 Diamond, facebook, New York Times, Noe Valley, znga
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Social Media Boom Fuels San Francisco’s Rental and Home Sales Market
Hard on the heels of my last post that covered sky-rocketing home prices and rents comes yesterday’s front-page New York Times article on how San Francisco is at the epicenter of the new social networking/media boom. Did you like this? Share … Continue reading
Posted in Economy, Market news, Rent vs Buy
Tagged fisher center, ken rosen, rent vs buy
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San Francisco Housing and Rental Markets: Choose a Rock or a Hard Place
The San Francisco Association of Realtors, of which I am a member, just came out with its Market_Focus_Report for May_2012 (click to open). If you’re a seller or landlord, the news is great: home prices and rents are up, up, up. … Continue reading
Listed to Luxe in Under 30 Days
San Francisco’s Luxury Home Market Doing Very Well, Thank You Continue reading
Giving Credit Where It’s Due
In my opinion, most real estate brokerage companies’ and their agents’ websites/blogs don’t provide a lot of useful market information. And that’s being polite. There are some exceptions, however, and one is Paragon Real Estate Group. Did you like this? … Continue reading
The 2011 San Francisco Residential Wrap-Up: Things Are (Are Not) Looking Up
Where do you think the market went in 2011? Come on. Take a guess. If you believe my own SF Association of Realtors “stronger affordability conditions, a lower cost of owning versus renting, and declining foreclosures, continue to … Continue reading
Noe Valley Comes Roaring Back
While single family home prices for San Francisco as a whole can’t seem to recover beyond being around 18% down from their all-time highs, Noe Valley home prices have come roaring back since the start of the year. The three … Continue reading
Commonwealth: Anything But Common
In Ratatouille, Anton Ego, the long-nosed and terminally jaded restaurant critic, sits down to his meal at Gusteau’s and, rather than ordering anything off the menu, says to his waiter: “Surprise me.” When Ego takes his first bite of the … Continue reading
Posted in restaurants
That Rare Thing: A San Francisco Demolition
Listed at $885,000 in November 2008, this little Noe Valley fixer at 4209 24th Street sold for $896,000 in 31 days. Two and half years later, the owners finally got their demolition permit. It only took a few hours for … Continue reading
San Francisco’s Best Schools
Before curb appeal; before “walk-score” and commute; and way before closet space and water pressure, there’s the school. For people with kids in tow or on the way, the primary determinant of where they want to live, right after what … Continue reading