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Monthly Archives: October 2009
Fears of a New Chill In Home Sales
That was the title of an October 27 article in the New York Times, and, as one of my readers and clients pointed out, it’s what I’ve been tentatively suggesting as a possible scenario for this winter. See here, for … Continue reading
One of the Other Things I Do: Windsor Live+Work
I’ve been itching to do some posts and I have some interesting info coming on TICS (Tenancy-In-Common Interests) vs. condos. However, the last few weeks have been taken up readying my development project, Windsor Live+Work, for a major re-submission to … Continue reading
Enough about Owning — How about San Francisco Rentals?
I came across a site recently that not only provides a database of available rental units for many US cities, but also has nice, easy-to-read charts on rental trends for specific areas. Unfortunately, you can’t get very precise in terms … Continue reading
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Dead Cat Bounce?
At the end of last month, the media was full of Case-Shiller’s upbeat report on the national housing market for July 2009, its most recent reporting month. Three months of improving sales “continue to support an indication of stabilization in … Continue reading
“Misha’s Musings” Becomes “Real Data SF”
And now a brief announcement from your sponsor…. I managed to snag www.realdatasf.com a few months ago in what, if I recall correctly, was a brief moment of late-night single-malt-scotch-induced inspiration. Though I cannot deny the allure of the alliterative, … Continue reading
Noe Valley By the Foot
As I mentioned in my previous post, I’ve had several questions about per square foot prices recently. There’s no doubt that it’s a very useful metric, for the obvious reason that it allows you to get closer to an “apples … Continue reading