Condos often get hit hard in times of real estate turmoil, but that doesn’t seem to be happening in San Francisco — at least for now. This graph shows a 12 month moving average of actual condo sales through March.
The moving average “flattens” fluctuations, but the raw numbers show the March median and average condo prices at all time highs of $765,575 and $914,187, respectively. And this is while volume in terms of units sold is down. Why?
My theory, which is mine and belongs to me — Monty Python fans, you need to go back a long way to pick up that reference — is that it’s precisely because single family home prices have remained high AND buyers are finding it harder to get loans that condos are looking particularly attractive as a relatively –ahem — affordable option. Kind of counter-intuitive, but I think it makes a crazy kind of sense. Let me know what you think!